"My takeaway:
When the body properly rests on the ground, the mind can roam in high spirits!"
Corinne E.

"After 20 years of martyrdom - with all kinds of medical treatments, acupuncture, chinese herbs cures, psychological treatments, excessive consumption of pills, among them lots of psychotropic drugs - I am now off all medicine and virtually pain free, after only two month of weekly Alexander lessons. I’m infinitely grateful.“
Dagmar P.

"Sometimes after long days I come home and I think ‚ha, I’m not as tired and exhausted as I used to be. Also while meditating I’m more awake, more alert, more aware. I used to literally sit with certain issues for a long time. Now I change how I’m sitting and it’s done, it vanishes into thin air. More and more I get whiffs of liveliness, how it ripples, how I’m moved by every breath."
Ralph R., psychologist
"My voice is much better now in the evening. (6 weeks after the workshop) I can even sing songs again. My children are startled when I raise my voice. I haven’t been able to do that vocally for the last 25 years! Now I have to be careful because it can be too loud ;-) "
Bernd G., engineer

„I’m sitting here in front of the cathedral in Santiago. I still can’t believe it, I did about 660 kilometers on foot on the Camino de Santiago trail. I’m grateful I made it and my knees didn’t let me down. What you taught me, helped me very much on this journey.“

"It was beautiful to experience trust as a state of being, from really connecting with ground, space and purpose. It totally shifted my world... Experiencing it as a state of being was liberating, eye-opening, amazing and also really peaceful. How much energy did I spend on trying to trust when it just is!"
Clare T., coach