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AT for musicians. AT for musicians ! (2)

Wed, Feb 23


Online Event- Every 4th Wed.of the month

Your body is your first instrument. Understand how to best use it to play with ease, expressivity and exquisiteness. Monthly class : every 4th Wednesday of each month Your corps is your 1er instrument. Our body is our capital. Magical, effortless self-expression is our goal.

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 AT for musicians. AT for musicians ! (2)
 AT for musicians. AT for musicians ! (2)

Zeit & Ort

Feb 23, 2022, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM GMT+1

Online Event- Every 4th Wed.of the month

Über die Veranstaltung

How can unnecessary tension be transformed into lightness and expressiveness? How do I not just sing words, not just play notes, but touch my audience? How do I deal with stage anxiety? 

Most musicians and singers have had the experience when things are going really well. When "it" sings you, plays you. Alexander Technique helps to get there more reliably. By gradually "unlearning" everything that is disturbing - unconscious tensions, restrictive habits and thoughts. 

€30Desired price.20€for students.  Pay what you can and what it is worth to you. 

This class is offeredevery 4th Wednesday of the month. Please register via email. The language is english or french or german depending on who registers and who understands which language.30€Suggested price for 90 minutes. €20 for students.feel freeto pay what you can. 

Posture, Pressure, Movement quality, Stage fright, Anchoring, Breath, Weight baring, Carrying ( your instrument ), Holding, Lifting, Sitting, Standing, Practicing,  Performing will be some of the themes we will look at.  

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