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Célia Jurdant und Hendrik Klein

Embodied readiness for relief & results

Make a first step! 

Alexander Training with Célia Jurdant &  Hendrik Klein

We teach individual lessons and group classes in private practice in Cologne and Strasbourg as well as in companies and institutions. We also offer continuous education and a teacher training. We teach on both sides of the Rhine in German, English and French as well as online.

Upcoming Events

In France and Germany

  • Mehr Wirkung - durch freie Stimme und körperliche Präsenz Frankreich
    Mehr Wirkung - durch freie Stimme und körperliche Präsenz Frankreich
    Fri, Jan 17
    Le renard perché
    Jan 17, 2025, 2:00 PM – Jan 19, 2025, 4:30 PM
    II Element Luft: Wie kann meine Stimme widerstandsfähiger und wirkungsvoller werden? Wie helfen mir eine freiere Stimme und mehr körperliche Präsenz, wirklich gesehen und gehört zu werden und welchen Unterschied macht das in den verschiedensten Lebenslagen?
  • 2 Tage Ausbildung Dez - offen für Gäste
    2 Tage Ausbildung Dez - offen für Gäste
    Multiple Dates
    Fri, Dec 06
    L ' É. T. A . G . E - Centre formation
    Dec 06, 2024, 2:00 PM – Dec 07, 2024, 5:30 PM
    Für Stimmprofis und Stimmliebhaber. Für Coaches, Therapeuten und Pädagogen aller Art. Eine Gelegenheit die Lehrer-Ausbildung kennenzulernen und tiefer einzusteigen in die Alexander-Technik

Unsere Programme

- "Erste Hilfe"-Paket -

Kennenlernen zum Angebotspreis

"Thank you for this delightful day in your company. That was really good for me. I especially appreciated this combination of theory and practice and your serenity. You talked and I almost forgot you were teaching. It felt like an exchange. Nevertheless and imperceptibly I learned fundamental things about me, my body and how to move." 

Corinne Eichinger

 Subscribe - always up to date

Try the experience

Get started with our the trial month at a heavily discounted price and experience how sustainable change is possible, including 2 individual sessions and 2 ABC body 101 sessions.


Feel better 

Functioning more in accordance with your human design has profound benefits to health and well-being. Aching knees, back, hips, neck will feel the relief from unnecessary tensions and all other body functions, too. 


Get better at what you're good at

You are your own instrument and ambassador. Without interference from unnecessary tensions you perform better in any activity or situation, especially when it counts.


Grow freer

Unnecessary tension is part of unconscious behavior. What does the moment feel like when you don't tense up? Experience your life freer from the same old, same old when you are more in accordance with your natural design.

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